

Understand global trade forecasts for over 1200 products across 183 economies in unrivaled granularity.


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Explore TradePrism's interface

Click the tabs below to explore the interface and possible use cases:

Overview of global trade with ability to drill down to one country. The following Dashboards are set up to trickle down into further granularity. Trade for an individual country on this page can be sliced by:

  • Cargo Type (Container,Liquid Bulk, Dry Bulk, Break Bulk)​
  • HS2/Chapter​
  • HS4/Heading​
  • Direction of Trade (Export/Import)​
  • Value or Volume (Mass/Nominal/Real)


Service features


Data will be presented geographically which makes it easy to identify key relationships and how these change over time.

Flexible interface

Regular research briefings and Tableau reports enable you to customise the way the data is presented.

Long-term forecasts

Plan ahead and understand global and bilateral trade flows by using our projections, which go out to 2050.

Comprehensive insights

Track and understand key trends evolving across bilateral trade flows.




Our Global Trade Model is built from a data set that includes over 1200 products:

  • An aggregated set of 300 products will be on the data portal at launch, with the full set to follow.
  • For the set of 46 economies modelled in detail, TradePrism provides volumes measures of trade flows for each product. We measure these in constant USD terms and tonnes.



TradePrism covers bilateral trade flows by products for 46 major economies, such as:

  • Europe: France, Germ any, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden & United Kingdom
  • Middle East & Africa: Egypt, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates & South Africa
  • Asia: Australia, Bangladesh, China, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Singapore & Vietnam
  • Americas: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Mexico & United States



Section Heading

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